A Quick Reflection on My 2023 Hobby Goals

As per usual 2023 was a whirlwind. When it comes to hobbying I managed to put a dent in my goals. The Soviets got some new toys and tools and I have a Blitzkrieg/ Barbarossa German platoon to use now. I am very satisfied with those two goals.

I chipped away at finishing off a rifle squad, HQ element, and two assault rifle squads for my Volksgrenadiers. I completed some of the rifle squad, the HQ element, and I am painting up most of an assault squad. To be honest, I needed a break from the white and I got distracted with other projects. I do plan on finishing them up so I can play against Drew’s winter Soviets.

I collected some new 28mm (and 15mm) forces and other bits and bobs that I have been working on here and there. They will show up here eventually.

I am still cool on the Ultra-moderns. Despite having some really neat models I don’t have a ruleset I am in love with. It doesn’t help my gaming buddies are hot on WWII and not moderns. To be blunt, I just didn’t feel the fire for even a small project. Maybe next year.

I was able to play 3 games of Chain of Command. That’s way less than I wanted. I also played 9 games of Bolt Action where I lost most of the games, haha. But as always I had fun and that’s what counts.

All in all 2023 was productive but not as much as I hoped. Such is the life of a hobbiest with responsibilities outside of my little toy soldiers.

4 thoughts on “A Quick Reflection on My 2023 Hobby Goals

  1. “Life is what happens when you have other plans!”.
    It looks like you’ve gone ok for hobby stuff in 2023. There is quite a lot on that list!
    Have you thought of SciFi rules for moderns? I don’t mean WH40k, but things like “Stargrunt” (Ground Zero Games).
    My chum over at “Fort Syllabub” (also on WordPress) calls it “grubby’ SciFi.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Indeed it is. Sometimes we are just along for the ride of life!

      I haven’t given Sci-fi much thought besides Killwager and Reality’s Edge which Evan was talking up. I have heard good things about Stargrunt maybe it is time for a proper look! I have perused Fort Syllabub but now with a recommendation I will give it a combing.

      Sci-fi can be liberating and refreshing hobby-wise. Thank you for the idea!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No worries.
        The low tech end would be largely indistinguishable from ultra modern I would think. From memory there are a few different weapon types, but a rifle is a rifle is a rifle.
        Worth a look maybe.


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